Wolfkill wrote:
Never really done it before as I let the Coaches call the shots here.
For example If I have a CB set to 100% Man and 40% Zone and change it to 100-100, what would happen?
So Is there anyone here who has messed with player weights? I'm hoping to get some opinions on what you do, or what kinda works..You can send a PM if you like.
It just changes the way your players are rated, it doesn't change anything about their performance. In your example, you have a CB with the following Man and Zone (assuming that was the only influence in his rating):
Man: 79/87
Zone: 30/87
If your weights are 100% Man and 0% Zone, the rating you see would be 79/87
If your weights are 0% Man and 100% Zone, the rating you see would be 30/87
If your weights are 100% Man and 40% Zone, the rating would calculate to 56/87
If your weights are 100% Man and 100% Zone, the rating would calculate to 54/87
etc. The point is that you can tell the calculation what you feel is important for each position so you can trust the ratings you see more.